Monday, July 28, 2008


Geriatrics anonymous I am not ready for! AARP I am a member of... but then, you can join them anytime, probably, and I did so not too long after I turned 50! Now, I am 59 and 60 rears its dangerous head with it's fangs open wide to strike fear and loathing into the hearts of the unemployed man I think I am!

Yes, unemployed for this moment, laid off last Wednesday, July 23rd, 2008, from Aquila/Perfect Output. No shame in that and I won't criticize either, because I enjoyed 7 years exactly, of outrageous good fortune and blessings at the hands of God! It was, in it's way, the best period of time in my life, as far as earnings are concerned! The temporal successes of this segment of my life were awesome, and by His Grace, can only go forward, onward and upward!

I am too young to retire and too old to be job-hunting- but, that's what's happening, baby! Life will go on, within me or without me! So it is my decision and choice that life will go on within me and working with the stream of time in which I swim, the currents will be manageable and I will find profitable shorelines to cast myself upon!

If I am swept into the middle of deep water and finally swept out to sea, then I know that I will soon find myself upon a beautiful island where the fruits of my labors to build something solid and profitable and uniquely different, will be productive!

Long sentences are one of my bad habits, but sometimes you just have to write'em the way you feel them! The critics are living large- but let them! They cannot seem to live and let live, but, some people need them.

Not exactly being a "jack-of-all-trades", my experiences are so numerous that its' tempting to say it. But ability being what it is, only needs to be harnessed to inspiration, creativity and drive- and things begin to happen!

Shall all of us "laid-off" people feel sorry for ourselves? Probably. At least for a little bit! Shall all of us who have lost jobs due to downsizing, and all the other words used to define a moment in history, get into a mode of depression, whining and otherwise just generally lamenting our situations? Sure. For a little bit!

But let us not stay there, not down and out, but let us get up and move. Pray, get busy and start doing something about living, getting our resumes out there- and thinking "outside the box"- because life goes on.

Within you or without you!

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